The things Jesus said almost 2,000 years ago were as shocking and crazy sounding to most people back then as they are today. “Love your enemies” and “Give everything you have to the poor,” “Hate your parents,” are just a few that made some people ask whether he was “Mad, Bad or God?”. He offended Conservatives and Liberals alike. Being politically correct wasn’t his strong suit. Join us for this summer series and discover for yourself just who this Jesus really is!
Titus—Marks of a Healthy Church! The Apostle Paul was a man on a mission his whole life. First, as a Jewish Pharisee he was self-commissioned to exterminate these upstart followers of Jesus. Then, after a personal, face-to-face encounter with the risen Jesus, his mission in life took a 360 degree turn. Near the end of his life he wrote this letter to a young man he had personally led to faith in Jesus. It’s a short but powerful letter that he used to commission Titus to his ministry in Crete.
New Beginnings. In this series we will discover that everything has a beginning. Whether men and women, ideas and dreams, every journey in life has a beginning. Not every new beginning turns out the way we had hoped, dreamed or planned, but new beginnings happen all the time and can lead to life-changing journeys.
Nehemiah was a man who lived in the 5th century before the birth of Christ. He was the cup bearer to the King Artaxerces and the 16th book of the Old Testament that bears his name are his memoirs. His life is recorded and remembered not because he was a prophet, a priest or a king, but because of the heart that God gave him for a people and a place.
Ecclesiastes, the meaning of life and other such things. For 10 chapters, the author of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon has been making his case—a life spent looking for meaning, purpose and ultimate satisfaction apart for God is… meaningless, empty, vanity! Now, he begins his conclusion in Chapter 11 by instructing us on ‘How, Then, We Should Live!’
Ephesians, the Mystery of the Church. A series on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. Writing from prison, the apostle sends a letter to the church he planted only a few years earlier. In it he declares to them a mystery that Jesus has revealed to him directly and it is the mystery of the church.
Possibly the most powerful 6 chapters in the whole New Testament on what it means to be the church, the living body of Christ.
This series is intended for everyone who has ever wondered about God, the Bible and Jesus Christ. In this first message we consider how the Power of The Gospel has saved us, is saving us and will save us! Whether you are a non-Christian, new Christian or mature believer this series will help you to understand the central message of the Bible—The Gospel. This series will inform you about the church that Jesus said he would build and The Rock Church in particular—What We Believe, Who We Are and How We Are to Live as followers of Jesus!