Acts Part III - The Mission Continues begins in Chapter 18 where we find the apostle finishing up his second church planting journey. So far in the book of Acts we've seen the apostle and disciples following Jesus' plan to build His church to the letter—Beginning in Jerusalem first of all and then to all Judea, and Samaria, and the end of the earth.
Acts: When The Going Gets Tough 18:1-22, February 1, 2015
Acts: Faithful Disciples Who Make Disciples 18:23—19:7 Feb. 8, 2015
Acts: From Darkness to Light 19:8-20 Feb. 15, 2015
Acts: A Dangerous Faith 19:21—20:1 Feb. 22, 2015
Acts: How to Stay Awake in Church 20:1-16 March 1, 2015
Acts: How The Holy Spirit Speaks 21:1-16, March 15, 2015
Acts: Living Dangerously Without Fear 21:17—22:1, March 22, 2015
Acts: Take Courage—Press On Acts 22-23, April 12, 2015
Acts: Justice Delayed, Acts 24, April 19, 2015
Acts: The Gospel, Politics & Power, Acts 25-26, April 26, 2015