In this week's message we conclude our Desire Wisdom series with two of the shortest Parables that Jesus ever preached. Embedded in the richest chapter of parables in any of the gospels these two parables highlight the reason, purpose and meaning of all of Jesus' Parables!
Making Every Opportunity Count, Matthew 25:14-30, November 19, 2017
Jesus is just a few weeks away from the cross and he's spending every moment be can teaching his disciples about the Kingdom of Heaven. Our text for today is another of Jesus' parables, The Parable of the Talents. Listen as we discover how to Make Every Opportunity Count!
The Parable of the Forgiven Servant, Matthew 18:21-35, November 12, 2017
Why are we so easily offended? And why is it that certain people seem to offend us more often? The apostle Peter decides to ask Jesus what appears to be a good question, "How many times should I forgive someone who commits an offence or sin against?" Jesus answers with a parable!
The Parable of The Rich Man & Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31, November 5, 2017
In this week’s parable Jesus takes his listeners to one of the most challenging subjects everyone must face—life and death, Heaven and Hell. It’s the story of two men, with two very different identities in this life, two paths, two positions and, as always, two destinations.
The Parable of The Prodigal Sons, Luke 15:11-32, October 29, 2017
Jesus tells a story about two sons and their father to a great crowd that is following him. The crowd is a mixed bag of every day sinners and the very religious. At first the focus seems to be on the younger son who behaves badly, but then, as always with Jesus, the story takes a turn.
Building on The Rock, Matthew 7:21-27, October 22, 2017
This week, as we continue in our Desire Wisdom series, we begin a 6-week look at the remarkable relationship between the Parables of Jesus and the Proverbs of Solomon. This week we hear Jesus as he concludes his Sermon on The Mount and his great challenge to the uber religious and every Christian!
Reality Check, Proverbs 2, October 1, 2017
If, as one Old Testament commentator wrote, "Wisdom is becoming competent with regard to the realities of life: how things really happen, how things really are, " is true, then it begs the question what is reality? Join us and listen as God's Word challenges us to have a Reality Check.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately the Scripture reading was not recorded prior to this message. Please read all of Proverbs Chapter 2 before listening to get the most out the message.
The Wisdom of The King, 1 Kings 3:16-28, September 24, 2017
Early in Solomon's life, before he went on his regretful 40 year experiment to find happiness, joy and fulfillment in life under the sun, apart from God, he demonstrated great wisdom as a young King. In this message we discover many lessons from The Wisdom of The King!
Finding Wisdom, James 3:13-18, September 17, 2017
So far in our new series, Desire Wisdom - Because nothing else matters more, we have learned that we desperately lack wisdom. In fact, we've lost touch with in our enlightened world today. Today, we answer 3 questions. What is Wisdom? What's the difference between worldly wisdom and "wisdom from above?" And, most importantly, How do we find wisdom?
The Problem of Wisdom, Series Introduction, September 10, 2017
If you had one wish, one thing you could have more than anything else, what would it be? One man was given that opportunity and guess what he asked for? Not money nor fame but—Wisdom. Listen as we begin this new series to discover where to find and how to get wisdom and... why nothing else matters more!